It’s offi­cial. After months of hard work and per­sis­tence, we’ve received the news that our new Man­dala Home, the Chose-Ross res­i­dence, owned by the pres­i­dent of Man­dala Homes, Lars Chose and part­ner Rachel Ross, built by Man­dala Homes is the first ENERGY STAR qual­i­fied home in B.C.!



  • Third-Parting test­ing to meet strict tech­ni­cal specifications.
  • Ener­Guide Rat­ing of 84.
  • High per­for­mance build­ing enve­lope, includ­ing R66 ceil­ing and R34 walls.
  • Domes­tic water heat­ing sys­tem approx. 3 times more effi­cient than a stan­dard system.
  • Heat Recov­ery Ven­ti­la­tor for fresh air with min­i­mal heat loss.
  • ENERGY STAR qual­i­fied prod­ucts, includ­ing win­dows, doors and lighting.
  • Pas­sive Solar Design
  • Plumbed and wired Solar ready
  • Grund­fos Magna cir­cu­la­tor pump
  • Radi­ant floor heat­ing and heat sink
  • Day­light­ing emphasized
  • Com­fort Wall sys­tem (mono­lithic air barrier)
  • Plat­inum ICF foundation
  • Ther­mal mass for heat storage

The ther­mal dynam­ics that nat­u­rally occur in a round space , the care­fully tuned win­dow glaz­ing, the cork floor­ing and the extra thick walls also con­tribute to the energy effi­ciency of this home.


  • Save money on your energy bills com­pared to homes built to min­i­mum code.
  • Are more com­fort­able: warmer in the win­ter and cooler in the summer
  • Are bet­ter for the envi­ron­ment, using less energy and pro­duc­ing fewer green­house gasses
  • May qual­ify for energy effi­ciency incen­tives for homebuyers.
  • Sell faster and for more money
  • Are 25% more energy effi­cient than those built to min­i­mum provin­cial stan­dards. It’s like get­ting 3 free months of energy use every year.
This home has been tested and ver­i­fied as meet­ing ENERGY STAR for New Homes spec­i­fi­ca­tion by Gerry Sawkins, Cer­ti­fied Energy Advi­sor for New Homes work­ing with City Green Solu­tions, a non-profit licensed to deliver the ENERGY STAR for New Homes Ini­tia­tive and the Ener­Guide Rat­ing Ser­vice for New Homes.
Read more about this project at our home­build­ing blog